Originally Posted by Jeffrey
Originally Posted by ribka
Originally Posted by GregW
Where I grew up in the country with goats, sheep, etc. , Any loose dog was shot on site. And the owner would have no problem with it.

Pits are not a dog persons dog. Why have one?

My take is women get pit rescues because they think they can change them. Just like dating an abusive cheating boy friend and/or husband. Many of the gals worship the ghetto lifestyle

Guys with insecurity issues own them because they think it makes them look tough.

Both groups weren't raised with animals and have zero experience living and raising and training and understanding animal behavior. They have no clue how to properly take care of and manage their animals and the project their feelings on them a lot. "Oh he would never hurt anyone and he loves children". Just clueless and dangerous group. Like giving an 8 year old a case of dynamite and a box of scorpions.

I have one animal under my care, a 9 year old pit. Best dog I’ve had. I trust her more than about all but 3 people on this planet.

FYI most owners say the same thing right up until the dog gnaws the face off of their infant.