Originally Posted by Birdwatcher
Originally Posted by deflave
Originally Posted by Birdwatcher

Got family that live in rural areas of NYS, I think I see more actual Mexican Mexicans up there than I do around here, 'cept on construction sites.

How do you tell the difference?

Night and day alot of the time. Mexicans are more likely to bear the stamp of hard living whereas American Mexicans tend to run as soft as the rest of us, around here fluency in Spanish tends to be a giveaway too.

Why are you frequenting construction sites?

This is the Austin/San Antonio Corridor, construction sites are frequenting us, and their Mexicans shop at convenience stores for coffee and grease in the morning, and beer in brown paper sacks in the evening.

Actually I have heard that a lot of their Mexicans are actually Guatemalans.
I just go by they're mostly short, dark brown and speak jibberish. I assume such to be Mexicans but maybe Guatemalan for all I know,