Originally Posted by Blackheart
Yep, that would suck too.
Mine was moved off it's foundation, evertything inside floated around to different rooms, refrigerator on it's side in living room, dressers in living room, kitchen cupboards falling apart, mud covered everything. It was condemned as beyond reasonable repair so it might as well have been gone. Actually that would have been more convenient as I wouldn't have had to clean up the mess. Had no flood insurance as we were not in a flood zone so had to start over from nothing. Only had two more years of payments before it was mine so it was a bitch having to start over.

Originally Posted by Blackheart

I get stuck behind these damned amish buggies going 10-15 mph all the time. The things I'd like to do to the ones who I have to follow for miles cannot be talked about in public and would certainly result in a lengthy prison sentence.

Sometimes bad things happen to assswholes.