Originally Posted by gregintenn
Originally Posted by Tyrone
Originally Posted by wabigoon
This nation has sinned enough to deserve it.
The whole World is ate up, not just the US.

You are correct. I believe what made the U.S. prosperous was the fact we were somewhat above the crap that goes on in the rest of the world. Not so any longer. I fully expect us to lose that provenance.

We've taken it for granted too long. All of us.

Originally Posted by Tyrone
Abortion, sodomy, trannies, China getting into genetic engineering of humans & chimeras, the great apostacy, drug dealing, famine and wars.

I'd say God is at least concerned.

We were founded with the official sanctioning of slavery, which, no doubt, caused a great deal of human suffering and death. This was followed up in the 20th century with slavery lite a/k/a Jim Crow laws and secondary citizenship. We wiped out indigenous peoples in our desire to expand from sea to shining sea. Abortion and consenting adults having weird sex and elective surgeries and taking drugs don't really compare to that.

So, I don't buy the narrative that this country has been successful because it was morally superior to every other country and now it is doing really bad things that will make it pay.

"Don't believe everything you see on the Internet" - Abraham Lincoln