There are parts of the Hebrew roots movement today that despise and seek to undermine the writings of Apostle Paul. They seek to discredit Apostle Paul and the early Christian Church and take people back to the bondage of Law and works salvation...rather than salvation by God’s grace. Remember, the first persecution of Jesus’ followers was at the hands of the Jewish ‘Law keepers’, not Rome. A leading proponent in this movement is a California based attorney named Douglas del Tondo, who promotes his agenda through his book ‘Jesus’ Words Only’...this agenda is also promoted through the website of the same purposely misleading name. They don’t like Apostle Paul because of his abrogation of the Old Covenant. He didn’t teach that ‘some’ Old Covenant laws are no longer binding on Christians (such as sacrificial laws or purity laws, for example), He taught that the Old Covenant Law itself, that ENTIRE system of laws that ‘used to’ define the relationship with God and His people, is no longer in effect. Apostle Paul argues that the ENTIRETY of ‘the Law’ has been set aside now that Jesus has come, and that the ENTIRE Mosaic covenant is no longer in force for Jesus’ followers. And this movement mentioned above...who ‘still’ insist, and want you to believe, that salvation is obtained by following ‘the Law’ and by works...instead of through God’s grace, clearly doesn’t like Apostle Paul’s teachings regarding this.

Every day on this side of the ground is a win.