Originally Posted by Jim1611
The OP's question deserves some thought. The Bible teaches that bad comes to the just and unjust. History shows that if you care to look. We were founded in a way that put the emphasis on personal choices and freedom. We were given the right to live as we wanted as long as we didn't kill each other and such in doing so. The laws were pretty simple and based off of the Bible for the most part. Christian and non christians benefited from it. Then along came the evil side of government and started taking personal responsibility away from people. We call them safety nets. They made it easy for people to be lazy and rotten and not suffer from how they lived. This was by design too. So the transformation was started.

The part in bold is set to change real soon. Once the Left has bribed the Dindu-nuffin layabouts to install them into the positions of power they desire. The left will be done with those layabouts.

They will cut off the welfare, foodstamps, HUD, and energy subsidies and assign those people positions of servitude. Layabouts will be dreaming of the good old days when the "Master" at least considered them valuable livestock.

Children will be tested in Jr High School for aptitude and will be told what job or career they will be trained for. And they WILL like it. It WILL be an honor.

Any protestors.......will make good fertilizer.

People who choose to brew up their own storms bitch loudest about the rain.