Many books could be written on this subject and this is only the "Fire, so brevity is called for. But brevity is accompanied by incompleteness. But here are some thoughts.....

I don't see much biblical nor historical indication that God judges nations "for their sins" in this current dispensation. Could be, but if so, I am not able to see it.

The Holy Spirit has been referred to as the "restrainer" .... God is in control and the Holy Spirit seems the one that keeps Satan at bay and prevents earth events from spinning out of control.

However I think there is something to the idea that sometimes, the Holy Spirit begins to withdraw his hand... loosen his If and as He does this, Satan's influence... not being so tightly restrained.... let's loose on earth. Chaos and woe result.

This could be happening now. Why? I don't know, but it seems that when the government fails you, you are terribly hungry, your health fails, your family of no comfort and there is no one to turn to... many turn to God.

Also, the Bible refers to the "times of the Gentiles" or the "fullness of the Gentiles." Seems we are in those times... and as per the Bible... "the time of the Gentiles" will someday be fulfilled. Could be that in God's plan, there is more work to be done and more souls to be added to the Kingdom.

Consider that it may be that the US and perhaps the world will be heading into 20 or 30 years of very difficult times. Perhaps, as a result of pervasive fear ..... one's survival in dire jeopardy... that a Great Revival ... a great harvest of souls might come to pass?

A world wide set up for a Great Harvest in 30 years?

It also seems to me that this world does not revolve around you or me. God's plan... for us as individuals and for the nations of this paramount. Not our ease nor our idea of our own comfort. If He wants folks to "come to the feast" and it means tough times ahead, well so be it.

Was it Slumlord that kinda spoke to this reality? When tough times come, the just and the unjust will all be caught up in it together. However, the just have their eyes and hopes set on the future glory.

The idea that we have difficulty and it is "God's fault" is simplistic and reflects a very narrow view of God and a poor understanding of sin and the nature of man.

Me? I expect things in the good ole USA are going to get much worse. That difficulty may be required of us and the tough times ahead may yield a great harvest. Tough now, but there will be glory in Heaven when we get there.

Last edited by TF49; 01/14/21. Reason: spel

The tax collector said: “Lord Jesus, have mercy on me, a sinner.” Jesus said he went home “justified.”