Originally Posted by BillyGoatGruff

Being a Mom means not dumping your kid(s) off at daycare/preschool because you have a "job" and need to be "whatever". Being a Mom is the highest calling a woman could ever have. That does NOT mean dumping your kid(s) off for someone else to raise during their formative years. It means being there with them for their first 5-6 years minimum all day, every day. If being around your kid is tiresome, or loathesome then you should have had your tubes tied and gone on pretending to be a man or working a room at a cathouse.

This is a truth that has been buried by the "women's movement."

I've always said that WWII brought this on. Women built the planes and the guns for the war effort, and it seems many got the idea that they should stay in the workforce so they could accumulate more stuff. From there everything cascaded. Divorce became the norm rather than the exception, then cohabitation, then came the sugar daddy and casual hookups. We see where it leads us: right here where we are now.

Originally Posted by John Adams
Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious People. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.

What has brought America to its knees is a moral and spiritual crisis.

Don't be the darkness.

America will perish while those who should be standing guard are satisfying their lusts.