Typical behavior for some departments.
That's the kind they look for.
There's no accountability, cover-ups and the bonding or city tax payers insurance covers legal fees and suits.

There's a case of a family who rented the town hall rec room for a little girl's birthday party. After the party, everyone goes home and the parents are cleaning.
A roided officer of the law walks in and beats the father half to death in front of the little one for lasting memories of officer friendly.
What happened aftermath?
A small settlement and the serve and protector got a better paying job at a corporate security job in the same area.

I could speak to those in other dpts that have good people skills and offer to help folks who are in distress, but that can wait for the appropriate thread. The dirt bag that was hired in the video isn't the only one that needs to be held accountable. Somebody hired him and covered for him before, or he wouldnt be doing this to anyone, no less grandmother.

Last edited by Happy_Camper; 04/27/21.