Originally Posted by AKwolverine
Originally Posted by TheLastLemming76
Originally Posted by AKwolverine
Originally Posted by TheLastLemming76

Either way most are focused on the injury not that 1) she didn’t comply ...

And there you have it. That old bitch just wouldn’t comply. As he said as he was headed towards her, I’m not playing this game. You will comply!!!

Well if you break a law even a “minor one” that involves police being called out. What do you want them to do and how much time should they spend with people that will no comply with lawful and reasonable commands? Honest question. The law doesn’t allow for double standards based on race or age and everyone that committed any crime will have family and a shrink claiming extenuating circumstances.

GMAFB. It’s called discretion.

Right discretion. AKA easily spun by a lawyer as racism. Discretion would be someone just run out of a store for attempted theft stopping when the cruiser roles up or stopping after they get out and ask her to stop or face them for dialogue. Discretion based on skin color or age is a trial lawyers dream. You spend all day asking people to stop that refuse and see how much patience you have. She gave them nothing to base discretion on other than age and skin color and that’s the way they have to look at it. If police assumed every petty criminal had underlying mental, emotional, or substance abuse problems they’d spend all day talking to crazy people. Sad but reality.