Originally Posted by TheLastLemming76
From what I understand Seattle is working on some such therapist type first responder solution..

What you “understand” about what Seattle is doing couldn’t be more incorrect if you tried. Seattle police have had these resources on payroll for several years, Seattle Fire also has a community response team with social workers as do most major King County Fire departments.

I was involved in a similar situation to this just a few weeks ago. Elderly lady shoplifted and then walked away. Police were called and contacted her and she tried to walk away from them. She wasn’t registering what the officers were saying so they quickly deduced she may have dementia and gently corralled her. They couldn’t find any ID so they called for the Fire department and ambulance. She was transported to the ED where the police met her and worked with the hospital social worker to find out who she was and where she belonged. Shortly after a local dementia facility called for a lost resident and she was transported back to the facility.

No rough take downs, no cuffs, no broken arms etc. oh and by the way the police department was none other then Seattle Police.

I can also tell you that I’ve had countless interactions with Seattle Police involving mental health, dementia, drugs etc and have NEVER witnessed a single officer act as you condone.

But what do I know I’ve only worked ambulances in Seattle and King County for the last 21 years, done a stint as a swat medic and my oldest son is a police officer for a lock department so I probably don’t have to guess.......