Originally Posted by Idaho_Shooter
Thank God the cops in Caldwell Id are not so vicious.

My wife's Mom was in an Alzheimers ward for about five years before she passed. But she was cunning enough to escape several times. She would hang out near the door and dash out as someone entered. Until we moved her to a facility with a "sally port".

One time she found a piece of sharp steel lying along the road and used it to fend off her caregivers as they tried to coax her back to the facility. Another time it was a fist sized river rock.

As facility staff are not allowed to "man handle" a patient, nor can they physically force a patient back into the facility, they had to call City Police each time.

Wonder of wonders, the cops managed to get this five foot six 110 lb 79 year old woman back under lock and key, not only without broken bones, but also with no visible bruising.

From what I have seen, some up close and personal, cops here in SW Idaho, especially small town cops are a completely different critter than in the larger metro areas

Posts on this forum pretty much prove that's true