Originally Posted by ExpatFromOK
Come on, people. No one is going to respond positively in a discussion when you insult their country. I wouldn’t and I don’t think you would either. Each country has its own quirks to include our own. This is the Australia forum. Why provoke citizens of the US’ best ally in the Southern Hemisphere?

This right here: ^^^^^^^^^^

NOT judging from this thread, just my life in general.... I think most people who have never been anywhere overseas in the USA think we are the greatest place on the planet, and forget their manners when speaking with people of other nations...

I lived for 3 years in Britain in my youth, when my dad was stationed there in the USAF back in the mid 60s.. I learned to respect other people and their countries, especially when I was a guest in their nation. At the same time, being only a kid ( 11 to 14), I wouldn't stand for anyone pissing on the USA....

But I can say, that being outside the US in just Canada and Mexico, I was embarrassed to be an American overseas, just by the way my fellow countrymen acted to those people within their own countries... We wouldn't put up with that here, so why do we expect them to put up with us looking down on them in their own countries?

And the way things are in the USA nowadays within our borders I don't see where we have much to brag about, to other nations.

I'll put it this simple way, that was SOP when I was growing up.... If you hated someone's guts, but you were a guest in their home, or vice versa.... you left it on the door step. Common Courtesy and Respect has gone out the window in American society in the last couple of decades or more....

When working in Canada, I would have Canadian mellennials act like asses to me, and I'd ask them did I do something to offend them... The normal response was that they just hated Americans....Always there was an older Canadian who would come up and apologize for their mellennials criticizing the USA, and how their generation remembered how the USA stood hand in hand with Canada during WW2. My normal response was that I didn't take offense to it, because even people of younger age, hate and criticize the USA at every opportunity within our own country.

I'll never stand up and piss on Australia, New Zealand, Canucks, British or most Europeans, ( except the French LoL).....

Where I lived in England, was not far from Cambridge.. and a lot of families in our neighborhood were from the Commonwealth Nations.. and I was friends with many of those kids in our neighborhood... I formed ideas about them in my youth, that was always very positive... and in my entire life none of those were every disproved.

What I love about the French they make Americans look better because NO ONE is more pompous and self centered and think they are the greatest nation on earth, like the French do....

you want to talk about Tolerance? I live on the border of California.....with I 5 a mile from the house....

"Minus the killings, Washington has one of the lowest crime rates in the Country" Marion Barry, Mayor of Wash DC

“Owning guns is not a right. If it were a right, it would be in the Constitution.” ~Alexandria Ocasio Cortez