Originally Posted by BillyGoatGruff
Originally Posted by PaulBarnard
Originally Posted by gunchamp
Once again, point to where I said being a phag should be illegal. I dont give a rats ass what one does in their own home, but thats where it needs to stay. There never should be any kind of gay pride month, nor gay pride parades, nor should a small child be exposed to these disgusting trans creatures in school or anywhere in public for that matter. You want to be queer, have at it. Stop forcing that garbage on society

Should 2A advocates keep their cause in the home? Why are you forcing that on society?

Paul, I'm with you on not beating or hurting gays for the simple fact of who and what they are. Any more that I would support that kind of activity based on race, ethnicity, or religion. There's no way it's not wrong.

But equating the in your face, absolutely disgusting behavior of their activism (geared toward free and open access to innocent children, and forcibly inserting their abberrant behavior that most Americans find distasteful at best, and more often than not horrifically offensive) with the 2nd amendment is beyond the pale dude. Seriously. Unless you made this post to stoke the fire and get reactions?

My point is simply this. Like minded people rally around their respective causes and advocate for their cause. We do. Why shouldn't gay people?

I'd venture a guess that more Americans would find us gun loony's behavior distasteful and offensive than find homosexuality offensive.

I want to be very clear where I stand on this. My acceptance comes to a grinding halt where minors are involved.

That said, the purposeful conflation of this incident at a gun club and pedophilia, etc. is intellectually dishonest.