Originally Posted by Swamplord
Originally Posted by antlers
Did Jesus Himself make it crystal clear in His New Covenant that His followers are to love other’s as He has loved His followers…? Did He make it crystal clear in His New Covenant that *the* defining characteristic of His followers is that they love other’s as He has loved them…? Was this a command from Jesus Himself, or was it just a suggestion…?

Does cherry-picking a verse about a specific “abomination” from an old covenant (the Law of Moses) that is no longer in effect…and hasn’t been in effect for 2000 years, and that never ever applied to anyone other than the ancient Israelites to begin with…square up with Jesus’ New Covenant command above…?

If someone is prejudiced or bigoted or hates someone else for whatever reason...homosexuals in this instance…that's their business. Especially when they're honest enough to admit that that's what it is. At least they're honest about it. Others choose to weaponize cherry-picked old covenant Bible verses to justify their prejudice and bigotry and hatred of certain others...homosexuals in this instance…hidin' behind the shield of Christianity and doin' the exact opposite of what Jesus Himself did and taught.

Apostle John said that those who profess to be walking in the light…while hating others…are still in darkness themselves. Was Apostle John wrong about that…?

Nothing more pathetic & disgusting than a homosexual trying to twist & shred the bible in some psychotic attempt to sway opinion in IT's favor ....

Do you really think you are the first to attempt that ?

Correct me if I'm wrong but I do not see where Antlers has offered his opinion on whether homosexuality is a sin. I only see where he essentially says love the sinner, regardless of your belief, which is absolutely correct. Who among us is living in perpetual sin? Porn, drunk, adultery, greed, gluttony, covetousness; its no different.