Originally Posted by mauserand9mm
I started to come down with a cold/flu on Sunday and got tested on Monday - results came back positive so I'm in isolation for a week. Working from home anyway and I'll start back "at work" tomorrow - had Monday and Tuesday off because I was feeling sick, but mild symptoms.

For me it's been like a cold but with more headache and no runny nose. A bit of fatigue to start with but that only lasted a day. The last two nights when I've gone to bed I've been fully congested (with what? Nose has not been runny) and haven't been able to breathe through my nose but wake up in the morning and all is clear again. Even though I woke up this morning without a headache and feeling the best I have been for the past few days, my sense of smell/taste is completely gone - normally the bedroom smells like farts in the morning.

I am double vaxed BTW. The second shot gave me headaches similar to the covid and extra aches than covid but only lasted a day, and no congestion or loss of smell.
double vaxed lmao. Not so smart huh