As this is the backpacking subforum on a hunting forum….

I think I’m the realm of hunting big game, with the possibility of packing meat- lightweight trail runners aren’t going to cut it. I’ve bagged a ton of peaks in Montana in trail runners, ditto racking up tons of 20-30 mile days backpacking. The weight on my back ranging from 5-30 lbs, it’s basically the only footwear I use in those endeavors.

Now with hunting big game, I’ve found that very lightweight boots and trail runners simply don’t cut it for hauling 70# loads. Simply isn’t enough stiffness and your footwear will roll over itself, especially side hilling.

I do look for the very lightest boots to accomplish that, but I don’t think I’d classify these boots as “lightweight”; lightweight among mountain boots, but not “lightweight” in the realm of hiking shoes/boots.

If there are folks capable of packing meat (in rough terrain) in very light hikers and trail runners- I tip my hat laugh