battue- yes, I’m a contrarian among contrarians. That should just be an auto-.sig on the Campfire. smile

That pic is from the JMT in the high Sierra Nevada. If I get a chance I’ll post a few more pics that show the trail; but it’s over 220 miles long so, y’know…. 90% of your footfalls are on granite up there. It’s not a trail in the common sense. To your point, neither is it OFF-trail, although I’ve done tons of that in general in low top hikers. To my point, on the JMT your footfalls can be at any angle. Speaking for myself and I believe anyone with reasonably functional ankles…. Let them dogs RUN! Let the ankle flex and do its thing. It’s why it’s THERE. Millions of years of evolution are not wrong.

Mike- if weather allowed (I’m not wearing low tops into snow) I’d pack in in the Solomons, hunt in them, and pack the first load out in them. And have my stiffer, high top Solomon’s at the truck if I felt I needed to swap.

Y’all know I’m jinxing the effin’ F out of myself here and now I’m gonna sprain an ankle on my upcoming hike. 😂

The CENTER will hold.

Reality, Patriotism,Trump: you can only pick two