Good Thursday morning to you my cyber friend, I hope it's staying cool enough down in your portion of Colorado to suit you and you're well.

You are, in my opinion, on the mark about all gear but especially footwear being individualized and variable in how it'll work for others.

It's interesting too when we throw in a variety of terrain which might as it did in this thread cause 'Fire Folk from other geographic locations to question our cognitive reasoning ability or how bright we're not if we hunt in a certain place.

We're blessed here in that the seasons are still pretty long too, to regulate kill numbers they've put in antler point restrictions, which means we can go from nearly 31°C at the beginning of season to -28°C in snow up to one's knees towards the end.

Typically my taller Meindl boots and the socks for them stay in the pickup all that time, so if whatever has happened to get shot hasn't died in a convenient location, the footwear can be adjusted accordingly on the next few trips.

Usually I can get a deer out in two trips, but I want to say the bull moose was at least 4 and might have been 5 trips actually. Funny how you think you'll never forget some details but somehow this morning that one's been misplaced.

Anyways it's been educational for me for sure and I have appreciated the replies, especially from those who hunt different landscape than I do.

Best to you once more sir.


The most important stuff in life isn't "stuff"