Originally Posted by gotlost
I talked to the gal at the forest service today.

Hwy 130 over the Snowy Range opened Saturday. that is about normal, But it did snow on the con. divide Saturday and the road is still plugged from the forest line in to Jack creek.

The road in to south brush creek is closed to allow it to dry out. unless we get a lot of rain it should be open in a few days.

It looks like Hwy 130 from the Interstate to Saratoga should be open is that right?

I'm traveling Route 287 from Helena to Rawlings, jump on the Interstate to the Hwy 130 exit to Saratoga. That looks like the quickest route to me. Jellystone is open so the Feds say.

Don't vote knothead, it only encourages them. Anonymous

"Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups." Anonymous

"Self-reliance, free thinking, and wealth is anathema to both the power of the State and the Church." Derby Dude