Originally Posted by KC

Originally Posted by Tracks
Is it true there is an Alfred Packer memorial cafeteria on the Boulder campus? grin


His name was spelled Alferd, not Alfred. The cafeteria at CU Boulder wad almost named after him. But in the end, no!

About twenty years ago the student body started a campaign to have the cafeteria named after Alferd Packer. The faculty/administration was thrilled that the students were so involved in their campus and Colorado history. So they initially backed the proposal, until finally someone took the time to see who he was. That ended the episode.

Although I think students afectionately call it that.


Right, I thought your spelling was correct, but I spelled it the same a Les did.
I don't want to injure delicate pride with next weekend so close. grin
Thinking on the Judges words- there's a lot more Republicans in Colorado now. grin grin