You are in over your head on all fronts,except your subconscious desires to come out of the closet and impressive abilities to conjure Imagination. Your homoerotic undertones are more akin to overtones and playing the flute is thus far the only thing within this Thread,which you could undoubtedly comment about in the firsthand.

I'm much enjoying that you've now Magically given yourself the gift of Imagination carte blanche,as a means of quantifying how your nothingness is now "something". Undoubtedly,it is a handy tool for you to close your eyes and fire that Imagination of your's up,as a means to quell reality. Now you've become "stealthy",a steward of critterly habits and an incredible marksman versed in all things,with but a simple blink of your eyes and dose of your Imagination. You might wanna really ring the bell and change your locale too,with a secondary blink of reaffirmation. Bless your heart!

The web you weave is well beyond hilarious and shaded only by the size of your Imagination. 'Tis a shame that your are devoid the faculties to process the sheer magnitude of your gross ignorance and the size of your fabrication factory. Those constants being a given,do not deter your Imaginary "pursuits" or "abilities" and would easily allow you entry into both the Window Licking and Mall Ninja Halls Of Fame,if only by default.

Keep telling yourself that nothing is something and that pretending is "close enough",as you make "all" those trips to the range and relish the sound of the brake and revel in 9-lug sanctity as the consumate Trump Card of your "experience". Just don't forget to post about it,keep banging those Imaginary pictures and keep paying your PETA dues,so as to remain their poster boy for "Hunting".

Please don't forget that any time your Imagination takes you away and in your constant quest to take stupidity to places it's never been before,I'll be here to admire your ability to pretend and to root you on in those "journeys".

Eagerly awaiting the next installment of 'Squeeze's Dreams.