I was going to cut the line, but it is too damn fun pulling the little girl's hair and getting her to squeal! I find it commical and VERY immature that you feel the need to "kick everyone's ass", that disagrees with you or points out your utter stupidity. Then you want them to waste time and money coming to visit your stupid ass for some mall cop ninja lessons. You are the idiot with the daddy issues. Why don't you man up and make a trip to Alaska, NM, IL, ID, MT and all the other states of the posters you want to "kick the asses" of???? You have gone from professional hunter, long range sniper, Weatherby guru and now Ninja turtle guru in a whole two months. What's the agenda for your imagination next month? Are you going to be a fighter pilot, super hero, Tinker Bell or what? That's me tugging on your hair again. I haven't laughed this hard in ages. Keep that imagination churning Bigsneeze. Call Chuck Norris or Royce Gracie, so you can learn a bit about martial arts. We anxiously wait for your report. Flinch

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