Originally Posted by bigsqueeze
The Stick-Boxer cockroach has come forth from his crevice..Again! I can tell that your dictionary was right by your side.

Penchant? Fruition? Copius? Extrapolate? Unerring? Subtensions? Did you have an english/vocabulary coach pay you a visit too,,,again?

I know what "ONE MOA" is. New that before you were somehow "miserably hatched" into this world. My meaning of "consistent moa" and less shooting, meant @ 100 yards.....BONEHEAD.

FYI, The Accumark did reeeeeel well today. But you are right though, it was an imaginary hunt.

Because I wasn`t hunting you dummy. It`s called target shooting. The hunts w/Accumark will come later.

Unlike you who needs a vocab and english coach, I don`t need any "hunting in the field" coaching when the Accumark is used.

Go back into your crevice now.

Oh and aaaaaah,,,,,,,,,,bless your little heart.

Of course you weren't Hunting,that was never even plausible. I also dig that you "new" all about MOA and am always happy to hear your "version" of things.

Interesting "version" to switch tunes from: "I`ll be thinking about you while I`m shooting a rifle and scope that you "REALLY" dislike, while at the same time getting consistent moas."...to now being enthralled with an inch group at 100yds?! Akin to saying "consistent inches",which the reality of will collide nicely with your Imagination. Perhaps all is sweetened a bit in that you fancy yourself a wordsmith and "new" all of that,while fixating "moas"(a plural),to reap an Imagined constant.

You'd do well to take notes and apply same,but the inherent humor in your being too stupid to realize same,is in fact beyond Priceless.

Bless your heart.