'squeeze you poor clueless idiot,your "version" of everything is incredibly hilarious. Your Imagination is taking you places...again,though I dig that you are a never ending Jerry Lewis Telethon.

Must confess that I do much enjoy Ringman's Post: "Please do. You are adding nothing intelegible to this discussion.". Epic humor that someone stumped by the word intelligible,feels confident enough to be giving "advice". Too funny!

Noone can insult 'squeeze better than she herself can,by espousing her "version" of "experience","knowledge" and "understanding". Points are always awarded though,for Mall Ninja Hissy Fits and "daring" deeds conjured within her copious Imagination.

A touch poetic too,that her paltry realities fuel her vibrant Imagination and that instead of simply stepping outside and punching a tag,she'd rather regale the masses with grandiose fabrications as a means of disconnect from the crux. Not that such humor isn't appreciated,but it is an interesting ploy to bitch/moan/whine ad nauseum about contrived notions that are always someone else's "fault",instead of simply prying her poosy from couch and doing for herself. But then again,she's stated plainly that pretend is as "satisfying" for her,as actually doing. Bless her heart.

May her Imagination flourish and her penchant to flaunt same,continue in all it's enthusiasm.

Fingers crossed in anticipation.