Ken and others: Without looking through all the other posts (I forget stuff all too often), what is the official date schedule of the 2012 Quemado gathering? Sorry this is a repeat of other posts but, slack is appreciated given my propensity for more than occasional bouts of forgetfulness.

Though we are going to Fl and VA on a vacation in search of a retirement location(s, god I'd love a small cabin or home in Va.) search at some point in June, if there is enough $$ are left over, I will try my dangdest to still try and to attend and meet so many I have read about and posts by.

There are a LOT of folks here that speak the truth and think right-mindedly and I like to think I recognize quality folks from their reputations and their words.

It would be doubly great if my son in law were able to attend as he is a firearms enthusiast, though not as experienced as many, I am SOOOO looking forward to getting him on his first deer (or should god smile, an Elk or perhaps Buffler' as amount of meat is important to a man with 4 lovely children, 4 of our grandkids! (BWT, I am a "pentagram" patented phrase for a 5x Granny, one being from my daughter the othergroup from my better half's side).

Best wishes to all, and regardless how this year plays out, I sincerely wish yinz'all a safe, happy and healthy summer. Do take the time to enjoy the majesty that is life and share it with those you love.
