I just read both of these responses and several others previous in this thread to my beautiful wifey. She is encouraged by them and all of the support shown to both of us during our times of trials lately. She is more motiated than ever to help me make this trip (she will have to help me drive as my chronic pain levels do not allow me to drive straight through long stretches anymore) and said to me last night that so long as she does not need ongoing treatment that lasts into and through the middle of July we are coming. I told her that I will sacrifice whatever firearms I need to in order to make the trip as well, above and beyond my guns bought on speculation intended to be for profit gunflips. NOW she is worried about living up to everyone's expectations about how cute and wonderful I have told you all she is! I told her not to worry, that she only needs to show up and be herself and she will be fine, and that I have not said anything that was not the absolute truth.

And I have NOT and did NOT post any photos of her..... RIGHT???? Yeah, that is what I thought. NONE of you has EVER seen a picture of her...... really.

We Don't want to ruin someone's vacation, especially not MINE, correct? smile or see me get shot on the spot and make a mess in Kens yard. Safariman guts all over the place from Sherri's Colt Cobra...... <G>

nope, no pictures here, Uh uh....

LOVE God, LOVE your family, LOVE your country, LIKE guns and sports.

About 2016 team "R" candidates "We definitely need a crew with a sack of balls the size of hot water bottles, bloviated estrogen leaking feel-gooders need not apply." Gunner 500