I can like a TTSX or TSX, but only in something FAST. I killed a 6 point bull down in WY a few years ago with 140 TSX out of my .280. The results of 3 to the lungs at 100 yds weren't that great. One through the guts and into the offside shoulder as I rounded the slash pile he walked behind at 5 feet dropped him like a lightning strike. I shot several deer and antelope with 100 TSX from my .257 Roy and it's alway impressive. I'm a fan of BT in slower stuff (and my RUM). I wouldn't take a 400 yd shot on a hard quartering buck with a .243 stoked with any bullet, with my 300 RUM and a 180 BT it will be dead on the spot. I'm no ballistician, all I can do is go by what I've seen, big bullets going really fast seem to really impress things whether they are up close or far away.