Hi Bob:

Here's a little bit more info:

But first, if some spoilers had actually read my original post I was responding to the question posed, by invitation, from the person who started this thread, they would have seen that I had interjected lots of conditions and scenarios about various guns.

As always and particularly on this forum, some people seem to think that one size fits all.

#1. The touted GCA 1968 law requiring that all guns needed a serial number was preceded by a 1938 Federal Firearms act. The 1938 act required rifles to be stamped with serial numbers. Prior to that date serial numbers were by manufacturers option and all of the serious ones did number their guns and some even numbered individual parts. .22 caliber and shotguns didn't need serial numbers until 1968.

#2. If not MOST, then many JC Higgins Sears Roebuck .22 caliber rifles didn't have serial numbers. Sears farmed out the manufacturing of their guns to numerous manufacturers. A model number appeared on each gun and it identified the company that manufactured the gun for Sears. There were numerous well known manufacturers, Americans, as well as Mauser. The Mauser pirates counterfeiting, that I alluded to, occurred at the close of WW11 when Mauser was dismembered and the equipment hauled off to other countries one of which was Serbia.

#3. As to your gun without serial number, to determine if it is legal or illegal depends on caliber and date of manufacture. If it is post 1968 illegal. If it is post 1938 and a rifle larger than .22 illegal. If it is pre 1938, without serial number, probably legal. If the serial number was effaced - illegal - a felony. Some sentences were 5 years and $10,000 fine. Again, I covered this in my original post here but it apparently was too brief, or not sufficiently explanatory and lacked detail for some to absorb and for that I am sorry.

#4. As you astutely observed you can't ship to my son directly to his home address. He isn't FFL. You need to address it to him CO Thunder Mountain. That's a FFL skeet range close by.


When the gun arrives without a serial number that's when the fun begins with the Ringwood police. I should know I shipped numerous guns here.

My grandson is also William Tibbe. He works at thunder mountain during the summer vacation from college.


It is always a pleasure to exchange opinions with you and the vast majority of the other posters in a calm and sensible manner.


As to my involvement with law enforcement, in case my fellow posters are not familiar, here's the Infragard website. I'm not recruiting for them but I will say anyone who cares about our country may want to try and get accepted as a member and help out to protect our people and our country. I'll amplify strenuously that my involvement does not in any way connect with my activity here. It is totally separated.



Last edited by William_E_Tibbe; 09/05/15.