Originally Posted by William_E_Tibbe
Originally Posted by Skidrow
A commercially manufactured gun with no serial number is illegal and cannot be owned.

Wrong. Really wrong. Serial numbers weren't required until the Gun Control Act of 1968 came about. Millions upon millions of firearms were manufactured before that. Some had serial numbers but most of the lower priced ones did not. They were all "grandfathered" under the act and all, even without serial numbers, are currently legal to own.


Oh dear me! You're only joking - right? You HAVE to be ----seriously!

It's really degenerated from the sublime to the absurd.

One thing that I always do is fact check. And I have the facts to back up my comments. In any event those facts are not something that I "manufacture" from mythology. They are the laws made by someone else.

Sad to say that some posters here are not capable of understanding the numerous why's, wherefores, provisos and contingencies in my post. I just didn't want to make it miles long. The "shortfalls" in my post that you highlighted were already allowed for contingently in my comments.

Notice that I am polite and respectful in my responses. I don't respond to rules violators.

I may add that the gun laws vary widely from state to state, county by county and Town/Village locally, as well as from Law Enforcement to Law enforcement - a lot.

In addition to my owning, transporting and/or shipping guns here in Wyoming, South Dakota, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Pennsylvania New Jersey, New York, Missouri the USA I also owned/ transported/ shipped, *( Sold at times ) rifles and hand guns in Canadian Provinces, Venezuela, Tunisia, Senegal, Ethiopia, Liberia, Cambodia and Vietnam. I also carried some in my luggage on airplanes and through customs including France and the Netherrlands. Did it since 1956.

Originally Posted by William_E_Tibbe
A commercially manufactured gun with no serial number is illegal and cannot be owned.

This is wrong. As stated, serial numbers were only required in the US by the Gun Control Act of 1968. Prior to that time millions of inexpensive guns had no serial numbers and it's perfectly legal to own and transfer them.

Nobody likes to be wrong, but when it happens, man up and admit it. Don't pile on more BS and especially don't claim to be some sort of expert operating on a higher level beyond the reckoning of the rest of us.

It just makes you look like a total idiot.