
Sorry to say that in the intervening days I was subjected to some pretty disgusting insults and accusations impugning my credibility and, by the way, I think that you, thanks to your inquisitiveness and searching, went a long way furnishing "proof" when you posted my photo with my moose.

Here's the Ringwood police website:


It's a tiny force, I think about three. When I shipped some of my guns to my son *( 4 so far ) he had to deal with them several times and from his conversation they pretty much make the rules. The chief was very difficult to contact and gave my son quite a hard time.

Your request it superfluous and hypothetical. I really don't have any further interest now in bugging the Ringwood police with such a question so to save myself harmless from more abuse I suggest that YOU ring them up and get it straight from the horses mouth. Thus it serves several purposes:

* You can rely on their credibility.
* I won't be in the middle of it.
* I won't have to waste my time.

* I won't have to be subjected to more inane