Originally Posted by EdM
Originally Posted by StrayDog
Originally Posted by hatari

Again, sorry your experience was negative. I wish you had come with our group and perhaps it would have been a better time.

There is always someone on the internet to oppose any thought, idea, or experience.
You had a good time with friends, sounds like you had all of the exercise you could enjoy, and you took a great trophy to remind you of it. Thumbs up!

The OP reminds me of my brother. Everywhere I took him with me he had problems with the management. It didn't matter if it was my favorite rifle range, restaurant, hunting lease, auto salvage yard, whatever.

I don't go anywhere with him now, life is full of peace.

Sounds like the 'fire in general. There are an awful lot of folks here that choose to live miserably.

Couldn't agree more. I wouldn't waste a single breath trying to justify why I went on a legal hunt, with friends, and had loads of fun doing it.

Misery loves company, as EdM correctly pointed out.

It is irrelevant what you think. What matters is the TRUTH.