Originally Posted by sharpsguy
Truth be told, the only reason for the outrage expressed about this hunt is that none of the guys yelling and screaming have ever killed an elk as good as the ones these boys took on this trip, and they have never had a hunt where they enjoyed themselves as much as these guys did. Apparently butthurt coupled with a dose of envy really makes some guys miserable.

Broadmoor Canyon is no secret, anyone who wants to go there can book an elk of his choosing, be done with the shooting in a day or so and have plenty of time left over to smoke cigars and tell stories. And have his elk and horns all packaged nicely for a nominal extra fee. No need to even get your hands bloody.

I can't speak for the rest of these old yellers, but personally, if I wanted to pay someone for a bull I'd have done it already. And make no mistake, I'm not yelling or screaming, Jorge and his crew had a great time and that's what they came for. I like to tell stories as much as the next guy.

I just object to it being called hunting when the animals are raised in a pen and paid for according to horn size. And having a "guide" by my side for the primary purpose of making sure I didn't shoot a bull that I hadn't paid for.

A wise man is frequently humbled.