Originally Posted by mirage243
Originally Posted by rick1977
Originally Posted by AdventureBound
Originally Posted by mtnfisher
Originally Posted by 260Remguy

Mark claimed to be a religious man, so he surely knew that pride goes before destruction, a haughty spirit before a fall.

When someone starts telling me how religious they are, I immediately place one hand over my wallet and the other hand over my ass - because I know they are going to try and empty the one while shoving it up the other.

Hindsight has taught me this lesson in business: the more quickly someone professes their Christianity, the faster I should have run away from them. The times I have been screwed over, it was done by people claiming to be Christians.

There is a huge difference between professing Christians and Posessing Christians. Those who possess Christ, would never intentionally put the screws to another, not because they fear the outcome, but because they fear God.

STFU, they don't fear a fuqking thing, they use that sheit to their benefit.

Why don’t you shut up? This is a thread about bashing Safariman, stay on topic and bash him or gemby58, otherwise clam up you friggin’ dope.

Originally Posted by RJY66

I was thinking the other day how much I used to hate Bill Clinton. He was freaking George Washington compared to what they are now.