Your absence of a reply speaks volumes. My late father was an attorney, and I never respected him in that regard. I grew up around the law profession and heard and watched the fuggings they doled out, then were proud of.

You Ivy-League snot...know this...

Many here have had multiple dealings with Mark over years, all done open and above board and in legal fashion. Mark and I have traded and sold guns to each other a number of times, all through FFL dealers and all in an honest manner.

I was late shipping and sending payment many times, and Mark was patient always. He has always been true to his word, as have I. We do things this way here.

As a Classified lurker you should know this.

I'm glad to learn you're an attorney. I wouldn't give you a breath of air if you were suffocating. You would find some way to twist the gesture and sue me. smirk

Hunt with Class and Classics

Religion: A founder of The Church of Spray and Pray

Acquit v. t. To render a judgment in a murder case in San Francisco... EQUAL, adj. As bad as something else. Ambrose Bierce “The Devil's Dictionary”