Originally Posted by 8SNAKE
Originally Posted by 222Rem
The prissy little bitch has 246 posts to his name-----------maybe 10 of which aren't in the Classifieds, then waits until four months after a fumbled transaction with one of the Campfire's most sterling members to come out of left field with this BS thread. That he's a lawyer comes as no surprise........

To be completely fair, Yalie's thread didn't come completely out of left field. Mark called him out in one or two other threads, which resulted in this one.

Everything else you said is spot on, so don't think that I am defending Yalie. He's a bottom-feeder that seems to get his kicks from backing out of deals. Thankfully, this thread should save others from his headaches in future transactions.

Don't bet on it as he will be back operating under another name. Just look at how many times Larry Root has came back as someone else.

The Mayans had it right. If you�re going to predict the future, it�s best to aim far beyond your life expectancy, lest you wind up red-faced in a bunker overstocked with Spam and ammo.