Dont know Safariman and have never done a deal with him but wouldn't hesitate to take him at his word on what he had. Hell if I was selling and he wanted it I would even be inclined to deliver solely on his word that the money would show when he was able. Mark isn't the kind of guy that stiffs another and I have zero doubt the funds would follow shortly.

Hell if i remember correctly a few years ago Mark was looking for a fishing boat and had found one in my AO. It was a few hundred dollars out of his price range but seeing as how I was driving through his AO a week later I offered to buy it and deliver on my way through. Told him to pay what he could and send the rest when he had it.

Zero qualms with the offer I made and would do the same tomorrow without second thought. I know Mark will make good on any dealings.

Still hoping to share a meal with Mark if not a mule deer hunt one October as we both deer hunt within an hour of each other.