Any 3-4 of the touted " 9 locking lugs" can be failed,.....without showing any visual sign.

You're not going to "pop" them off during routine cleaning and maintenance,.......

I have seperated a few "Locking Lugs" with a brisk twist of a screwdriver.( Don't Panic, most of these "Sporters" built on captured Nazi Rifles are but a whisker stronger)

........Roy Weatherby was a lot better promoter, than engineer.

I think that I'd best point out what Doc seems to be getting at,
is that the fundamental concept of having "9 Locking Lugs" bearing, simultaneously, really a dreamy sorta' engineering marvel, as opposed to someting do-able.

Cryin' out loud, it's hard enough to get 2 or 3 to bear,......fully loaded.

Brand Loyalty be damned,'s a weak, and coincidentally VERY easily Manufactured action design.

Pardon me all to hell placing longevity , and strength over the ease of Corporate opperations.


Member, Clan of the Border Rats
-- “Sometimes I wonder whether the world is being run by smart people who are putting us on or by imbeciles who really mean it.”- Mark Twain