My .340 has never fired anything other than handloads. This had always been a money issue as it gives me hives to pay $50 or more for a box of the "plain" Wby ammo, nevermind the premium bullet loads. I've only got few boxes of factory stuff I'd picked up here and there when found cheap, mostly for the brass. Now I'm almost considering just pulling the bullets.

To be honest it sounds to me like jacking the MKV action might be doing it wrong. If we're really talking out of spec ammo then the action takes 2nd place. If we widen our criteria to "guns blown up by foolish handloaders" the significance of the action used drops dramatically. If somebody held a gun to your head and handed you a 70K+ psi round and told you to fire it would you really feel that much safer with a Model 70 or 700? I wouldn't.

Ken, is there anything that points to any pattern in caliber, lot # or time frame with these ammo issue?

If there's one thing I've become certain of it's that there's too much certainty in the world.