Originally Posted by rcamuglia
While I think that there is some exaggeration in a lot of the accounts of the story, I really don't thing Formid is making up stories about his hunt.

The only things I know about Formid are what I can glean from his posts here on the 'fire. Most of his input is thoughtful and accurate. I think he's a quality dude.

From what I can gather, and I hope he chimes in and either confirms or denies, this hunt may be his first elk hunt or any hunt in the Western US. I think he lives in the Southern US like Georgia or Tennessee. I'm guessing he was so excited about the hunt and adventure that he just went all out to kill an elk; any elk.

While the accounts he shares seem over-the-top to some and things that most of us would never put ourselves through to kill a raghorn bull, I bet Formid was so fired-up about being in Montana on an elk hunt that he thought he had to do what he had to do to get it done. smile

Umm, maybe so. In any case, I'll hit the "quiet" button on the BS meter and patiently wait and hope, along with everyone else, for the rest of the story.

Gloria In Excelsis Deo!

Originally Posted by Calvin
As far as gear goes.. The poorer (or cheaper) you are, the tougher you need to be.
