interesting all of the comments on food for these types of adventures--no doubt a good diet is of utmost importance, no matter what you do.

but, the thing that confounds me is this;

the world renowned climber Alex Lowe--(he lived just a mile from my house, and my son and his son were classmates and friends).

the guy who did the utmost "impossible feats" in world class climbing--and would train doing 400 pull-ups, or 50 with just one arm. "superman", "the mutant", "the lung with legs", "the white knight", etc., were his nick-names. you know, incredible climbing feats like trango tower, great sail peak, rakenkniven, etc...

once, he and scenar were working out, and Pat said that Alex reached up and grabbed the 2x8 joists above him with his thumb and fingers, and began doing pull-ups by simply pinching the joists between his thumb and fingers.

while i don't know what his primary diet on climbing trips was--what confounds me is that the guy was very heavily fueled by expresso coffee...

all learning is like a funnel:
however, contrary to popular thought, one begins with the the narrow end.
the more you progress, the more it expands into greater discovery--and the less of an audience you will have...