Rancho, you're young and tough. If you had a month off and Montana elk tags and were from God knows where would you throw a dart at the map, find someone who recs the same spot, drive all night (10 hours) to get home, through stuff together, sight your gun, take your bud to lunch, go SOMEWHERE ELSE and pick up your tags and head out for another 30 hour drive without sleeping at home?

Would you bivy out in the rain and leave your boots out to soak it up? I think you have an idea about how long it takes climbing steep chit in a foot of snow to get thin leather gloves soaked and worthless.

The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time by the blood of patriots and tyrants.

If being stupid allows me to believe in Him, I'd wish to be a retard. Eisenhower and G Washington should be good company.