Originally Posted by forpest
Thanks 7. That means three rifles, the xp, shotgun, fishing rod. . Good thing I have a truck!

Question for the group.: wife wants to come down, but will has no desire to participate with this group. . How does she know this never having been on the fire? If she goes to what she calls the civilized world while the rest of us are makin bacon, will I be handicapped not having a vehicle? She swears she will pick me up after the hunt. .


My wife and children came last year. They/we stayed in the Hampton Inn in Carrizo Springs about 12 miles south of the ranch. It took me less than twenty minutes to get out the door and show up at the ranch.
Due to the oil bust the rooms were reasonable. I think only two other rooms were being rented. I would start checking for rooms now though.


Me solum relinquatis

Molon Labe