For the newer hunters in the group. Rain doesn't stop anything except some roads are not driveable, so that stops using those blinds. We want to use them if we can.
We all can handle the rain for sure. We just got tired of walking in mud, with a lb. stuck to your boots. We tracked mud into each room and building, so that and not having use of all the blinds was what the rain did to us. This year looks, at this time, like the rain is now, going to stop soon and then it's just clouds and sun shine. Roads should dry out except in spots. Long term heavy rains is what we had last year, this year is just what is happening right now. We are going to have a good time.

Stonecutters son Joey is a young one, he wants to win the cup full of money. Put you good eyes on guys.

~Molɔ̀ːn Labé Skýla~