Colorado Bob and just linked up in Fort Stockton. My emergency credit card arrived today as well. Looks like we will make it.

I was touch-and-go from the start of this journey. Visa called me the day before I left to tell me that my card had been compromised. They would send a replacement- in four to five days. I told them I needed it tomorrow and they said they would send an emergency card- to my destination.

Gentlemen, I have baptized in the fire of Filipina Call Centers. Have you ever tried to explain to a lovely sounding young lady in a foreign land what a Texas hunting lodge is?

Eleven calls and four States later I got a reservation for the cheapest motel I could find and begged them to send it here. They agreed and called the Indian hotel keeper and arranged everything. The card works and the stress levels are receding as I type this. I am a wreck. Poor Colorado had to listen to the long version through dinner.

See you after thirteen hundred

Me solum relinquatis

Molon Labe