[bleep] Stallone, you should of been Rocky, Tom. Great pic!

Will make it next year; ya'll young bucks stay out of trouble, and you old bucks take your damn medicines. And now Gordon, you just keep doing whatever you do.

Glad to hear Rocket will be performing the healthcare camp "duties" this year, ahem. He does know about that, right? No worries, am sure the Most Interesting Man in the World does one hell of a digital rectal and an even better hemorrhoid thrombectomy. Make sure he warms up, first, though. My first knuckle still ain't right.

Good luck to all, look forward to the stories and the pics!

Golldammed motion detector lights. A guy can’t even piss off his porch in peace any more.

"Look, I want to help the helpless. It's the clueless I don't give a [bleep] about." - Dennis Miller on obamacare.