I don't suppose it would hurt to describe some of what i knew. I met greg quite a while ago, and he had moved to the sierra vista region with a wife, and that went sideways. We talked an awful lot about the border. What people didn't know really he at one time spent a lot of time in south america, and i remember a picture album of people in mexico he was close to.
Life was not easy on him, and he had to scrabble i think to make things go.
he ended up with a lot in the desert really, moved an ol 12wide trailer on it and was constantly improving things. He was a wizzard at that, from his garden area, fruit trees, solar, just a whizz at making things, and he really made a little garden spot out of it my opinion.
We use to talk a lot about his mother, as i had been in a similar situation taking care of my mother. I met her a number of times and she was quite the lady. He by far did the honorable thing with her.
I seem to remember some discussion about what would happen to his place if he went, as i don't think there was anyone around.
Our relationship wasn't always easy, as neither one of us is easy to be around all the time, but we got along for a lot of years.
He had expanded his little farm i believe to goats, rabbits, and some other stuff. Be a shame to see it go back into the desert.
He had a real talent with black powder metallic weapons. I think one of the first times i met him years ago was at three points at a shooting competition for that event.
My wife liked him, which is saying quite a bit. I will have to tell her shortly of this.
First time greg met her, danged if he didn't bow down and kiss her hand. Kind of impressive really.
I am tempted to drive down there, but i don't know if anything i could do at this point.
the more i think of this, the more i can only say, damn, just damn. Not something i wanted to hear.

Last edited by RoninPhx; 10/18/17.