Originally Posted by APDDSN0864

Some faulted him for his drinking,

I didn't,......but it wasn't because of any altruism on my part. It was just out of the recognition that drink has different effects on different people and in Crossfire's case, it made him a curmudgeon. I don't mind curmudgeons,...I hate azzholes, but I don't mind curmudgeons.

Cross would have a snoot-full and I'd say something about something,..first thing ya know he'd be all up in my face and there was no amount of discussion that would fix it. About 2/3rds of the time it occurred, I'd have a snoot-full to,...so it was just one of those things.

Crossfire would cuss and fuss at me something awful, sometimes,..and I'd fuss back at him a little. But I never had the inclination to get all involved in a pissin' match with him because it was apparent that he wasn't hateful,..even when he was climbing somebody's azz (including mind),..he didn't do it in a hateful manner.

I never held nothing against him,...and evidently, he didn't hold nothing against me,..and when the conversation came around to machining,..TIG welding,..or loading for Rook rifles, we'd have some good conversations.

Later, of course,..we'd occasionally cuss at each other when we was drinkin' liquor and typing on the internet. Tomorrow,..it was water under the bridge. In fact,..I never considered it serious enough to need to be water under the bridge. It was just me with a buzz and Crossfire with a buzz, barkin' about first this, that and t'other.

I've really enjoyed reading about his history from the people who know it and it makes me kinda happy that he bothered to engage me in conversation on here from time to time,...even on those occasions when he was in curmudgeon mode.

I never saw his face,..but I'm already missin' that old fart.

I learned a long time ago that a person could get a handle on somebody else on the internet,...maybe even in ways that you can't in real life.

Dammit,...just dammit all.

Crossfire wasn't supposed to die.