Originally Posted by Steelhead
Originally Posted by Jim_Conrad
Well, Ma used to say that if you cant say something nice, shut yer gawtdamn mouth.

Did not know the man, he probably yelled at me a few times during my short time here.....I just cant recall them.


I think it says a lot about a place, or a group of people, that would take the time to check in on an internet friend or acquaintance if they have not heard from him in a while.

Pretty comforting really.

I told me wife what she needs to do to keep getting my pension if I should die tomorrow.

1) Throw my body in pond

2) Logon to the 'Fire at least twice a week and post 'Blow me' in a few threads.

3) Repeat 2 for years and years.

Make sure she throws in a few "your Mother is a dumb cunny" Be a damn shame to leave out your signature piece.

Experience hath shewn, that even under the best forms of government those entrusted with power have, in time, and by slow operations, perverted it into tyranny.
Thomas Jefferson