Originally Posted by Miss_Lynn
Originally Posted by AcesNeights
Miss Lynn, I always got a kick out of somebody making a comment or snarky remark to you and by the time I counted to 10 Crossfire was reading them the riot act. It was obvious to this observer that you held a special place in Greg’s heart just as he does in yours.

Thank you for the kind words.

I adored Cross more and more every time he took another of the troupe of idiots down, those who somehow convinced themselves that I was fair game, and that crapping on me made them men. Not a one of them could ever walk in his shoes.

In the end, if I were to draw a blueprint of a true and loyal friend, with all that I have learned in this last 56 years, that portrait would be of Cross.


I reckon that at some point he figured it out that your and my banter back and forth was all in good fun.
Wonder his thought on one subject[i feel certain that 'over the top' would be his choice]. wink

Sorry for your and everyone elses loss of such a great friend.